Senin, 12 Desember 2011

23rd-Jamboree part two: I MISS IT ALL

 I miss the forums.

   I miss the jamboree's mars.
     I miss the solonight.
                                                              I miss to do teras.

 I miss to playing games together.                     I miss to packing together.

 I miss to make a campfire.

I miss the Final Project.
I miss rafting.
I miss Waduk Sermo, base camp.

I loves Jamboree 23 - Gonzaga College 2011.

23rd-Jamboree part one: CRUX

Geez, it's almost two months after the latest post in my blog-_-

In my latest post i told you that i'm gonna have Jamboree with my bigfamily of Gonzaga College (especially #24 and #25) and yeah.. as long as i'm gone from this TimeMachine, i had a wonderful experiences at Jamboree which held on Waduk Sermo, Yogyakarta, Middle Java. There's a lot of things that I wanna share with you, and i think this is the right time.

So, here we go.

We've been divided into fifteen groups. In each group which also called as "rasi" in Bahasa there are thirteen/fourteen students as the members, and two mentors that would have the same role as our parent as long as jamboree held. Ohya, there's a lot of meetings we had in our "rasi" to prepare all the things that we need for Jamboree. Isn't it fun?

Trekking, hiking, rafting, solo-night, games, final project, time to share, and yeah a lot of things that we had on Jamboree ... it was so  P R E C I O U S.

Besides it was fun, Jamboree has the important rules for our life as a GonzPeople --> it would make us grow up mentally and prepare us to be a mature person, a true Gonzaga College's student with the spirit of AMDG and our core values :)

Ahh, i can't describe the entire moment about my jamboree specifically, you will feel the sense if you are have that jamboree... so, i can't describe more hehe.

Well, my rasi name is CRUX which means cross. Kindi and Gilang are our mentors and we are consist of :
  1. Dinda Blessia
  2. Justinia
  3. Angelica Wullur
  4. Antonietha March (Tata)
  5. Pingkan Audrine
  6. Randy Nahendratama
  7. Andreas Billy
  8. Philipus Raymond
  9. Rama Putra
  10. Joseph Danarta
  11. Andreas Bonaventura
  12. Benedictus Wahyu (Diki)
  13. Yohanes Imanuel
  14. Robertus Dimitri (Berto)

There are also Ivana (P3K) and Artisa (documentation) hehe

who loves to: makan beling! makan krupuk!
hahaha :))

i loves you, CRUX :')