Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

In The Middle of O

I just woke up in this morning, in the middle of O
Sunday, October 16th 2011

To be honest with myself, I had a wonderful and hectic days from October 1st 'til yesterday. Tests and tests for the mid-term which caused lack of sleep for me and yea kinda exhausted although everyday was a funny day. Next week will be the times for GonzLeague and Edufair. Woo-hoo it makes me so excited. Then in the first of November, there's another school's event which i wanna tell you later.

Okay, so in the last 2 weeks, there's an exhaustion. In the next 2 weeks, there will be an excitement. And for the next week that will be start with Monday umm it means tomorrow hehe.. there's an extraordinary feeling! Why?


Okay, i'll share my experiences there after i go back from Jamboree, next 5 days.
Wait for me - AMDG :)

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Maybe it's . . . you?

Finally, i felt the sense of that "electricity" (again) when all of this serebrum fulfilled with a shadow of indescribable mystery of life.

How can i realize what should be realized before. It's too late. I've made a wrong decision. Made a wrong way of thought. There's no chance to rewind.

Now, what i can do is letting the life's story go on and on. See what it may takes. Hear what i should not hear.

Based on the harsh things above, i would like to rebuild what am i tried to build in several years ago. DREAMS. Yeah, i won't kill my dream for the second times with the same "wrong" way anymore. Killing a dream for another (fake) dream merely make you reach none of them.


TimeMachine, could you bring me back to any old days?

I'm lack of hopes for reaching what i wanna reach.

For believing what should i keep believes on.

I'm craving.

Keep on turning and searching what is missing.

Until i found what it hopes about.

The sense of "electricity" which running through my vein.

The shadow of  someone which creeps into my nights.

Have you ever think?

That shadow maybe,

it's you.

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Cuma mau bilang :

Kira-kira sudah 1 bulan lebih satu minggu gue vacuum dari dunia blogger. Yah, untuk ukuran moody-blogger seperti gue, rasanya itu masih dalam taraf yang pas. Selama 1 bulan lebih satu minggu itu gue benar-benar tidak ada mood untuk menyentuh dashboard blogger sama sekali.

Dunia SMA itu bener-bener jauh dari ekspektasi awal. Semua serba dituntut cepat dan nggak ada lagi waktu berleha-leha kaya dulu. Tugasnya itu ada banyak, lebih banyak bahkan dibanding waktu SD ataupun SMP dulu. Kenapa? Ya karena dengan tugas itulah kita bisa semakin memperdalam pelajaran yang udah diajarin di sekolah saat kita sampai di rumah. Tapi bener-bener worth it, tugas banyak, pengalamanpun juga jadi tambah banyak lho pas di SMA :D

Nah, sekalinya dapat waktu luang langsung dipergunakan untuk tidur. Well, bukannya gue mau membuat tameng dari kata malas, tapi selama berada di kelas X dengan 17 mata pelajaran yang harus diterima dan dicerna dengan semaksimal mungkin, waktu tidur lo akan sangat berkurang. Jadi, ya kalau menurut gue, sih, wajar-wajar aja kalau pas libur itu bawaannya pengen tiduuuuur muluu <-- *curcol mode: on*  hahahaha..

Okedeh sebenernya ini post dadakan gue. Bener-bener lagi mood banget buat buka blogger. Sebenernya pengen cerita banyak banget di sini tapi berhubung gue lagi mid-test dan ini masih di hari pertama mid jadi nanti-nanti dulu, deh.

Wish me luck for the test ya ;;)